We've left Kolkata and are now in Chennai. This is our last stop before we go to China. We flew here on Wednesday morning and were really excited about our hotel, we were told it had a kitchen and living area and when we looked at the website it looked really nice. But when we arrived it turned out we didn't get a kitchen and living area!! We we're pretty annoyed so kicked up a fuss. We got the chance to move to a residential appartment but we wouldn't have breakfast included. So, we decided to have lunch at the hotel restaurant while we decided what to do, our decision was easy when Jen asked for butter and got given two fried eggs instead!!! Quite amusing.
So now we're staying in a really nice appartment and are attempting to make our own meals using an old gas stove. We've achieved cheese toasties and noodles!
We went to explore the area yesterday and ended up taking a tuk tuk to the beach - the longest beach in the world! We were worried it would be dirty but it was beautiful, golden sand and blue sea. Annoying that we couldn't get in our bikinis and go swimming but it was a nice change to the busy cities we've been to. We still got stared at and had people taking pictures of us but when your by the sea it doesn't seem quite as annoying. We also met some people from Switzerland including a lady that owns 12 childrens homes in India and we're going to try and visit one of her friends childrens homes here in Chennai. If we get to do it we'll let you know all about it.
Hope your all well
Love Ali and Jen xxxx0
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