Happy valentines day.
Lil Alex stop getting cross with alex we are feeble! Remember race for life, i bet you didnt have to stop for a wee half way through it! It sounds great but dangerous to. Bet you both slept well after that. Cant wait to see what you do next. All good here, suns out today and we are sorting through all my old rubbish to chuck (cant do it when mums here cos you know what shes like about throwing stuff out, your bedroom could end up full of my old tat!) Laughed at your hike in trainers but at least it wasnt in flip flops. Love you both keep safe. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Happy Valentines Day to you both!
I'm glad I don't know what your doing until you've done it! It scares the life out of me!
The caves sounded fantastic but my idea of torture!
I am well impressed with your 19.4km hike! (and to think Alex that Auntie Vic once said you were feeble)!
Hope ankle and hands are not too sore now!
Take care!
Love you lots!
Oh your getting quite a following! Its great innit! YAY finished placement today, i've got a week to do later to make up some time but normal hours again for me bliss. Like gabby says get some pics of you two together if theres anyone to ask. Your tans are coming on nicely i feel pastey. Look foward to hearing your next instalment. This is great cos you write what youve done and then we see the photos. very clever idea better than waiting for a postcard. Hope the clothes are lasting you always look so lovely in the photos, not raggas!! Do something great. love yous xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Grandad And Maggie
Yes weve joined the list of avid readers bout your adventures! Sounds like you're having a great time - pictures are great. Keep it goin!! Love you lots -thinking of you both xx
Now i've read about the caves i'll say this one more time. Caves no!!! Surfing on the bus sounds good though! love yous xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Caves no!!! Its wrong!! Had a nice day off today and getting ready for my last big shift tomorrow. Hooray. No more earlies no more lates college hours yey yey yey! I love my job. Bit scared about next time i need a paracetamol cos i think mum will be round filling in a drug chart! went to pizza hut tonite they are doing a meal deal. you get a decent size pizza or big pasta dish or a nice salad, 2 pieces of garlic bread and a drink for £4 each but if theres 4 of you its £14. Right bargain it was lovely. going again next week!!! luke says hes paying! all good here, boys and monty fine although i had to pop in town today and left dill and mont round number 1. got home and they must have been barking at the window cos my net has got a huge hole init! Me and mum was laughing cos we said that nan would say its dill that done it. ( i think it was dill though!) but dont tell mum. hope it stops raining and theres sunshine in your hearts. love yous xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Good morning/evening?
Am having trouble keeping up with the time difference!
The sheep farm sounded interesting but am hoping lil alexs steak wasn't lamb steak!
Nice to have a twin room!!!
Been on meds training today am now practically a doctor!
Enjoy the caves! Hope they are big airy caves, not small dark little caves!
Love u
Still reading avidly and looking forward to doing it.
Keep your smiles going and make full use - as you are - of all this has to offer.
Snowing here - yet again.
Continue to have these great days.
Go Alexs'!
just posted my message and i see they have blanked out a word but it wasnt a bad word it begins with a k and the next three letters sound like hob. do you know what it is yet rolf. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Luke And Vicky
Alex i cant help but laugh cos your blogs are like essays. You cant help yourself. your next blog should be called the developing practicioner and i dont know maybe 2,500 words? Only kidding we love em. Its nice to see the pics to go with the stories and the pink bench t shirt looks good!! Luke and me liked the big rock that you walked through to get to the sea. I bet you were furious with the bus driver, i can imagine you shaking your head and going grrrrrr! k*** but im glad you got on it in the end. been at work today in the outpatient clinic it was really good and i didnt have to start till 9 which was a lay in treat! luke thought that the bridge in the pic reminded him of the ones on im a celebrity. Read your facebook pot holeing !!! are you mad!! that is my worst fear!! you crazy pair!! loved your email, thanks for that. Mums job sounds a laugh doesnt it. love you both.
look after each other and have fun. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Peeps!
Loved your photo's, and on the ones you do feature you both look really well and tanned! All the places look truly amazing but the place where you were jumping of the rope looked just like paradise!
Am probably two inches shorter than when you left as had so much rain have started to shrink! Oh for sunshine and the odd drizzly day!
Hard day at work 2day: Popped to town, Old Rep for lunch and a spot of badminton this afternoon! I love my new job!
Look forward to catching up soon!
Love u both lots!
Hi; First two days on the bus trip appear out of this world.
Well done.
Proving a great read - job for you in journalism Alex!
Still raining here.
Mum off to get lottery tickets - if lucky see you in a couple of days!