Umm where to start.....
How did you get lil alex not to watch the ting tong ping pong????
Having seen sticky vicky i to would have avoided this!
Foot massage- good girl but did u get a man or a lady or a ladyboy?
Bet the red light was something to see.
What a fantastic idea to finish on a high The Hilton on the river sounds fantastic and what a good price aswell- bonus. As mum said am liking your style!!!!
The only thing we want bought back is you! No ping pong balls we don't know where they have been!!
Bangkok does sound very diverse, and as usual you are exploring it well- the boat sounds fab.
Alls well here and we are getting cited to see ya!!
Got my last college day ever tomorrow, lectures and a job fair!! scarey thought that getting a real job!
Work is going so great with the district nurses i love it so much ive got plans to work there in the end.
Like mum says what are we gonna do without your blogs? We heart blog time!
Hope you have a great time especially in your poshy posh hotel (bet mrs poopylady wont be allowed in!). miss ya, love ya. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The Hilton!!!!
Am liking your style!
Hi babes!
Quite often when I read your blog dad is upstairs and then he hears me laughing and I have to shout up why I'm laughing! Imagine this morning when I told him the pregnancy tale! Seriously I know the harvest on your travels has not been lean but looking at the pics your looking fit! If I were there I would be the elephant walking down the road!
All is sounding good and what a nice way to see things travelling around by boat!
We are so looking forward to you coming home but we are going to miss your blog big time!
Enjoy! Take care!
Love you lots
Good god if that t*** thought you was pregnant he would think i was having octuplets!!!!!!
How stupid.
Thanks for letting me know how mrs poopinthestreet wiped!!!
Cheap to travel round,am liking that.
What an odd thing about someone trying to get in your room but at least it wasnt ol poopy looking for her next place to squat!!!!
I still love that, fancy seeing it!!!! Im not obsessed but it is funny.
Had a good day at work today and although this doesnt compare to your marvelous adventures, we have been invited out next friday night, its bevs birthday so you can show off your tan if your up for it!
Alls good here and although i dont want your travels to end it will be so lovely to see your lil face in real life!!! and kiss it.
Enjoy and i bet macdonalds is safe bet for lil alex after his tummy probs!!!
Love yous xxxxxxxxxxxx
Alex i dont feel i have an unhealthy interest in the poopy lady but never in my life have i seen such a thing!
Been in town today and got lots of bits from primargee, oh thats something worth coming home for! massages vs primargee??? its a toughy!!
Hope your exploring well,looking foward to seeing if anything in bangkok can top the crapping lady!!!! xxxxxxxxxxx love yous xxxxxxx
Raining here this Sunday morning - hard to believe you will be here next Sunday.
Still avidly reading all that is going on and photos continue to be amazing. You and Lil Alex have taken some great memories.
Be thinking of you this week, as the last pieces go into your adventure jigsaw.
They tell me two contrasts in Bangkok, the cultural side and a seedy side that is also worth a look!
Should be good.
You have certainly stayed in some remarkable places all round, but certainly in Thailand.
Go Alexs'!
Hi babes!
Am glad the journey to Bangkok went well! Doesn't time go slow when your lurking? But obviously sitting on doorsteps does enable you you see all aspects of everday life (is Vickys interest in ladies pooping in the street healthy)?
Enjoy yourselves and take care!
Love you lots!
Ohh nothing worse than lurking! but three cheers for macdonalds!
Oh i spelt bangkok wrong! bangcock- i like mine better!!
What about the respectable lady crapping in the street? i need more info on this:
* Is this the norm?
* Have you got to do this?
* Did anyone else see her?
* Did she wipe her bottom when she had finished?
* If so what did she do with the wipe?
* I'm finding this hard to get my head round but enjoying it very much! Is this ok?
* Did lil alex get a picture?
How very odd!!!!! But how cool!!!!
I love it!!!
Am thinking Bangkok is gonna be a good choice to finish your adventures!
Enjoy it. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx love yous xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi babes!
Hope you enjoyed your last bit of beach time (always Felixstowe to look forward to) and that your overnight journey to Bangkok wasn't too arduous and you managed to get some sleep! I have heard that Bangkok is quite an experience so it will be interesting to read what you make of it!
I to do not have a hangover after seeing photos of two weeks ago! However dad is still in state of shock after having 15 students on a sleepover! ha ha!
Take care!
Love u lots!
BOO to less than a week left!
But HOORAY to seeing ya!!
Hope you enjoyed your last bit of thai beach but am sure bangcock will be an experience to see out your adventures!! Had a great night last night celebrating sophs early 21st! Will fill you in on the details when you get home. But apparently uncle john is an official legend!! No hangover for me i learnt my lesson 2 weeks ago!!
Enjoy bangcock. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ahh the poor massage lady fat AND ugly!!! unlucky!!! but good tip though so lucky she was fat and ugly!!!
Glad your back on, we've missed you. Massages are sounding very nice, good girl.
Poor lil alex, sounds nice there though but why do you sign in to go on the beach? is it to keep the undesirables out?
Manicure???? i love it.
Enjoy . love yous xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey your back!
I am going to start calling you Alex Rothchild with all this generosity!
Hope lil Alex feeling better now! Krabi sounding nice and massages still sounding a treat, MANICURE (I had to pick myself up off the carpet) how lovely!
Enjoy every minute of the time you have left in Thailand as you have been doing!
Sophie home for early birthday, she sends her love!