After waiting for months for myself to finally be ready to write my closing chapter, I started to doubt that I was ever going to be ready to complete it due to the emotions of 'closing the book'. It meant that the best of my trip of my life (to date) had finished. The final chapter, really was the final chapter.
The reason I didn't put pen to paper (or thumb to iPhone) before now was because I wanted my head to be in the right place to reflect on the positive wonders I experienced over my 7 1/2 months. Well, I think that was always going to be an ambitious task. How could I simply sum up all that I had learnt AND individually thank those friends I met along the way AND choose favourite memories out of the uncountable. That frankly can't be told in a few paragraphs.. so maybe the book can't have a conclusion, maybe it's enough as it is. Some posts were written with real emotions relating to experiences and then admittedly some were just quickly jotted down to pass time on journeys. Albeit, it's created a book of memories. Our story being told through the words of the slightly sketchy blogs and unprofessional camera shots. And I suppose that's what I set out to do when I started scribing our adventures.
Now back to the point of 'stuff I'd learnt'. There were a list of things that I had hoped to keep in practise throughout daily life once I was back home;
- Think positively; thoughts become things, put it into practice
- Be kinder to be people, the smallest thing to you can mean the world to the person next to you
- Don't take things for granted, be thankful for the people and possessions around
- il dolce far niente - the sweetness of doing nothing, enjoy the simpler things/moments, just stop and watch
- Live for what you have rather then what you wish you had, live in that moment
- and finally, Cook for my mum more!
The last paragraph should be a little dedication to my two angles (yes angles) they got me through the hard times, put up with some raging mood swings and helped me back into bed after my nightly wonders.
Some people said they were worried about a trio travelling together, but that's what made our 'Travelling Triangle'. The triangle in which we all had a part to play or it wouldn't have worked without each piece fitting into sync. These are the two girls whom I owe a huge part of my trip to; Vidal and Livs, thank you for sharing this all with me and for being there for me. It couldn't have been the same without you and I truly have come away with two best friends.
Guess it's time to wrap things up before the battery dies or the coach pulls in or I full asleep.. The normal end to each of the blogs. Thanks for reading, until the next trip - Au Revoir!
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