So... left Auckland on my bus journey on Saturday morning. After fially picking everyone up we had a quick stop at the top of Mount Eden to get views of the city and then set off to the Cormorandel Peninsula to Hahai where we were staying for the night. We wee on a campsite but in our own hostel and it had a stunning beach. Having been super careful so far not to be burned I let myself sit out in the sun twice for half an hour each time, with sunscreen - and I got burnt. So I'm going back to sitting in the shade!!! It's about 30 degrees or so and bliss. That evening we all had a BBQ together and then at about 10.30 we headed off down to hot water beach. As you may have guessed from the name, when the tide goes out you can dig holes in the sand and sit in hot watr, heated by volcanoes. Have to watch wheer you sit though or you could end up in hospital with burns! Sittig in a hot pool on the beach under the moonlight is certainly a memorable way to end your birthday!!!
Next morning we set off for Raglan which is supposed to be New Zealand's best surf beah so of course I ahd to take a lesson. Two hours later I discovered I'm very good at falling head first into the water nad swallowing most of the ocean but after lots of help from the instructors I did manage to stand up!!! Albeit for about 2 seconds but it was so much fun, definitely going to give it another go in Oz.
That evenign we all cooked together (this is the first time I've cooked in over three weeks - oops!) and then decided to go on the flying fox. In the pitch dark. Being the OAP of the group (only by about 6 months though) I'd been sensible and brought a head torch but not so sensible as I was wearing a very short dress. Flying down it in the pitch black was brilliant fun although one of the girls did fall off.
Yesterday we ent on to Waitamo and the glow worm caes. I opted to go on the trip down one of a caves in a boat and there were thousands of them. We walked back out of the cave in the pitch black but it's amazing how quick your eeys become accustomed as whereas when we went in we couldn't see a thing we were able to make out shapes and the prson in front. After that we went to another cave with stalactites and stalacmites which was incredible.
In the evning we had a cultural programme. We went out and stayed with a maori family and had a traditional hangi meal and then our elected chief had to be accepted by them in a ritual which involved lots of shouting and waving of large sticks and general male agression. We then watched a programme of traditional music and dance. Then it was our turn... the girls learned the pui which is a dance where you swing about what looks like a giant snowball on a biece of thread, supposedly in a controlled manner in time to the music and we had to perform this for the boys and then they did the haka for us. It was brilliant fun and I've got some good photos (which I'll finally get uploaded soon hopefully!)
After all this we decided to go to the beach and as it was full moon it looked stunning. Some of us decided a late night swim was in order and although one of the guys ent for a skinny dipping option the rest of us at least kept our undies on. Sea was beautifully warm although obviously washed off all my insect repellant and I'm now sporting a huge sand fly bite on my forearm.
This morning we headed off to Rororua where I went zorbing. For those that don't know that involves rolling down a hill in a giant inflatable ball. I wanted to do the standard one where you're strapped in and go upside down but they made me stand against a measuring stick and apparently I'm too small!!! So I had to go hydrazorbing instead. Three of us went in together in a zorb filled with water and we decided to add soap as well. You have to take a run up and dive through like superman trying not to get stuck in the process! We then went flying down the hill and I can oly assume it's what being in a washing machine would be like - it was so much fun and we came out covered in soap suds. A very attactive photo to add to the album!
After that we went to visit the mud pools that make the funniest noise when they're throwing it up in the air, a river that's from a thermal spring and was so hot we couldn't swim and a beautiful waterfall. Was supposed to be skydiving this afternoon but unfortunately there is too much cloud so that will have to wait. So much to do on this trip it's great! Until later, Amy x
PS just got an email from another Amy Boog who found my blog on google - how weird is that!!!
So yesterday morning was supposed to be an early start to allow people to do the Tongariro crossing but it was cancelled due to the weather so we got a lie in - bliss! Headed off to the National Park and visited some more waterfalls before arriving at our accommodation which was lovely - the beds had big proper comfy matresses! Went on a half day trip down the white water rapids on inflatable kayaks. Rapids were great fun although we did manage to beach ourselves on a lot of rocks but as they're inflatable you can kind of bounce your way off them. I did a spectacular crash into a wall of rocks at the end of one of them! Had time for a few swimming sessions to cool down and stopped for juice and cookies half way through. We were out for about 3 hours so my arms are aching today! Today we woke up to pouring rain so couldn't get any pictures of the landscape on the way out the park but it wasn't too bad as we had a 5 hour bus ride to Wellington so I just slept! Just been to Te Papa, the museum here, which is great fun and very interactive. There's a whole section on Scots in New Zealand. Early start tomorrow to head off to the South Island on the ferry! Amy x
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