Hey everyone! Been awhile I know. But I have been travelling with the best group of people and we have been hanging out and doing stuff so I didn't have much time. I say that all the time so I think I will just stop!
Anyway, Queenstown was great! It reminded me of Banff although I have never really been there. Really touristy. Lots of stuff to do and mountains. My first day there consisted of an impromptu tandem bungy jump with the driver of our bus. We stopped at the First commercialized bridge bungy in the world for a tour and to learn about the history of the bungy. I wasn't planning on doing it but got the sudden urge when I was there. We jumped 43m! It was great! I loved it! And I was also glad to have someone with me as I was starting to hyperventilate when we were standing on the edge. Pam said "come on let's go" and started to jump so I just had to go!
The next day, a group of us did the Nevis bungy which is the 3rd highest in the world! 134m! I was doing really really well in the Gondola and the fact that we were up so high, didn't scare me at all. Jumping off the bridge really killed my fear of heights! When it was my turn to go, I got super nervous sitting in the chair and it took awhile to get me to jump off. I just kept rubbing my scar thinking that jumping 134metres with a 8.5 second free fall is nothing compared to the surgery I had 4 months ago. It was the most amazing feeling in the world once I finally did it! What a rush! I screamed in fear and then couldn't cause your breath gets taken away. Then i finally screamed in excitement. After you bounce back up, you are supposed to pull a cord to release your feet so you are upright, which I did. It was a great ride up and I was bawling cause I was so proud of myself for doing it and because I almost didn't have the chance to do it...cause of all the crap that happened. I know that I keep talking about it, but back when all of it was happening, I was just surviving. I wasn't dealing with anything and now I am. It's hard to be dealing with everything alone at times, but it's what I need to do and I am much much better than I was when I first got here. It barely crosses my mind at times. I am just so thankful to be here.
Anyway, the next day, I did the canyon swing. 60m 4 second freefall (i think). I chickened out and just jumped off instead of going off backwards or any of the other crazy ways that you could do it. It was alright. Not really worth the money but I think that was because of the Nevis jump the day before.
That's alot of adrenalin in the past 3 days! Especially since the day before the bridge, I did my skydive! I am a bit addicted to skydiving and was really considering doing it again at 15,000feet when I get back to Taupo but money is definitely preventing that from happening again. I know sometime in the future it will happen though.
That was pretty much Queenstown. After the canyon swing, a few of us went to this Reggae festival in the park. It was fun and relaxing and really really hot. The day after that (i was there for a total of 6 nights) I went to the park with my towel, lunch and book and just read and slept. There was a guy at the warf playing guitar and singing and people wondering around. It was a beautiful relaxing day. Those have been my favorite - falling asleep outside! Can't wait for Fiji! Which has been booked by the way. I leave on Feb 21 to March 9 and leave March 10 to Brisbane Australia. So sad that I only have a week left in New Zealand. I will be back though..some day. Next blog will be about the Bottom Bus when I have uploaded the pics. Kia Ora!
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