We arrived in Mykonos via a 5 hour ferry which was expensive but very comfortable. I am fast learning to stop buying blended iced coffee drinks in Greece, my 'frozito' was disgusting, and the 'instant frappe' I bought on the ferry tasted like Oprah's underarms.
Backtracking a second, Gavin was pickpocketed on the train in Athens, losing his IPhone, which sucks. His iPhone will not be lost in vain though, the rest of us vowing to learn from his mistake and protect ours like a defenseless infant.
I found a gym, which was great, and managed to factor entry into my budget by eating only Gyros - like a kebab but less seedy - which costs 2.2 Euro. In the four days i've been here I have eaten 14 and a half and am still going strong.
In Mykonos it is customary to rent Quad bikes for transport, which sounded fun to me before hand, but when it came to driving made me so scared I clung to Gavin while he drove, singing cartoon theme songs to keep my mind off the road. I tried to drive, but I'm not used to the right side of the road and found myself drifting into oncoming traffic. By the end of the day I tried again with newfound courage, and drove, albeit tentatively, like a pro. They became expensive, so we returned them after 3 days, encouraged by the continuous reports of people dying driving them, and for them being smashed for parking over local driveways.
Between my first and last attempt to drive we attended the daily party from 5-9 at paradise beach while was a boiling pot of hedonism and miscellaneous sexuality which left me feeling dirty. There was an Italian 'M.C' of sorts who danced wearing nothing but an elephant g-string where the trunk is... well.. you know. Amongst his random banter one sentence emerged as a sort of mantra for the party. It was very obscene and made little to know sense, compelling you to open your mind, amongst other things. After Steve was defeated in a dance-off by a flamboyant Greek man we decided we had seen enough and headed home for our nightly siesta pre-clubbing. Highlight of clubbing that night, a pole-dancer who I am still certain was my sister's boyfriend Steve with a fake handlebar moustache. Shake it Stevey!
In party season in Mykonos there are live international dj acts every second day, but the headline act of the party on our first night was in a car accident (way too commonplace around here) leaving us with two big acts during our stay, Martin Solveig (returned home 6:22am) and Bob Sinclair coming up tomorrow. I also managed to meet Bob Sinclair at Martin Solveig's party which is pretty cool. He was standing next to a poster of himself and I walked past and was like, wait a minute....
Sleeping in the day after a big night out is terrible at hostels. I don't feel like hearing American girls shout "diid you brrriiiiiing suuunscreeeeen???" after being awake for like 20 hours, but I suppose it's worth it.
After spending many weeks with each other nonstop the 5 of us were starting to turn slightly hostile, mainly in that our friendly payouts were becoming way to frequent, and not friendly enough. On a trip to a quiet local beach I suggested we play the Love game, and all was restored. Arryn wasn't there at the time, and so we decided to include him in the love by collecting love glass (pretty sea glass) and presenting it to him by placing it on his bed while he slept.
Mykonos is mainly Italian and Australian tourists. The Aussies make little difference, but I'm enjoying the Italians because my three years of Italian at highschool is coming back to me (che bravo!).
Im going to wrap this post up now, because while I post this I'm lying on a perfect beach with crystal clear water, on a beach chair under an umbrella while small waves lap at my feet, and I feel like if you're fortunate enough to have an opportunity like this you should savour every second. I hear Ios and Santorini are more of the same, but cheaper. Looking forward to it.
- comments
Carol like lots
Tracy A pissed myself for the majority of this entry. Can't believe ELEPHANT MAN is STILL THERE!!!! He was there when I was in europe and many before me. P.s Oprah's underarms, classic. Defenceless child, classic. Love game, even better. Love glass, not cool dude.
Aidan He's celebrating 10 years in Mykonos at the moment hehe. I love that his thong is so durable! 10 years! What's wrong with love glass?