Just been looking at some beefcake on your photos, what a manly looking lot you all are and not a girl in sight!
Heard you have a tummy bug how, hope it,s not too bad and you get over it very soon.
Our weather here is unbearably hot believe it or not, can,t stand it, it,s too muggy and uncomfortable.
Well love you now have a new little baby cousin called Luke fourteen months old and he is adorable , a bit like yourself.
I,m off to see Georgina with your Mum and Dad at the weekend, if I find my way to Leicester , that is, wish me luck.
We all miss you very much and hoping you are safe. Lots of hugs and kisses -- Nan xxxxx
Hi guys just to let you know im watching your every move!! and your looking good,ive been looking up some birds of my own on skomer!! ill take you there one day for some real bird action. UncStu x
Emily Guest
Hi Ash and How. Your sky dive sounds awesome. Much scarier than my bungi in South Africa. Hey Ash, when you get back take me fly fishing, I've always wanted to try it. I think Nottingham is quite good for little fishing canals and stuff like that. Btw, spoke to Grandma, might go and see Claud and Grace nxt wk. I'll update them on your adventure and say hello for you. Adios, Love M x
Clare Bryant
Hi Ash!just saw your blog on facebook thought id have a look as id just been on meelies!looks like your having a great time im very jelous!!bournemouth beach isnt quite the same lol so where is the best place you have been so far?looks absolutely beautiful some of the places you have been to and i bet the surfing is great!!is how getin on ur t*** yet?lol jkin looks like ur having a wikid time make the most of it and take care!lots of love XX
Sam Hearn
hey guys! Sounds like a very funny situation you got urselfs into and got the best oput of it you could of hoped for so everythin is sweet! you even got tv and ps2!! Keep how away from the steering wheel, i bet it was coz of his mad drivin jks! im in Melbourne nw, st. kilda, jus lookin for work desperately! i ve got f*** all money and if it runs out im goin home!
Gizbourne is a cool place, thats where i went to the festival! jump of the bridges in the town, bit dodgy coz water is quite shallow but fun! All the surfing sounds real cool! have you picked up any hitch hickers yet?
im wit andy and jp again, i think they may have fallen out a few times now! jp needs to work but andy doesn't so thats kinda gay! Did the guys from the kiwi experience piss you off, they usually do! we stay in our little clans lol!! The big green f*** truck!
you heard much from jake? he told me he got both of his ears pearced, but i cnt remember if this was before or after he came out! sounds like hes havin an awesome time too tho! so were all happy and merry! wheeey!
love you x (try to e-mail me back to my blog page if you can)
Uncle Trevor
Hey boys - sounds like your adventures beat those of the "Famous Five". I'm not jealous as I'm sitting in my warm armchair waiting for the Archers to come on before reading the final four chapters of Bleak House. The beer is warm though and the Golf on Setanta Sports is just riveting!
Now, you take care and don't go losing yourself in the outback - and remember - if you're out tonight - on your bike - wear white!
Emily Guest
Nice one Ash, thanks for koining me up. I'll keep an eye on your travels and try not to get to jealous. Scared about going to Firey Oz?
The Woodmaster
Now then boys!!!! You are not 21 ho ho!!! Welcome to the US of A
The Woodmaster
Last few days to make your first surfing video!!!
Hi ash and how hope your getting plenty of use out of the reusable rubber i gave you!!!The girls love it but you can use it on men aswell.Julie and i have used ours just about everywhere but on the beach and in the sun is much better! Ps dont fofget to keep it clean!! UncStuX
Sam Stephens
elo mateys how u doin, loving the blog want some more sufin pics though!! Sounds fookin amazin i am v jealose, i just bought my new suit n that here so gettin out every weekend here gettin massive swells atm so its pretty nuts, fooking cold though doubt it anythin on the s*** where u r. Keep me posted il try to look as much as possible!!!
Have a good one get barrelled lol x
sounds like a great adventure and its only just begun!!!! dont forget ash theres a hot meal and a few beers whenever you pass our way UncStu x