OK, does this station take requests? Let's see some Parisian Air Guitar!!!
Ahoy hoy boys and girls (well, boys and girl, considering there is only one Sam and I'm assuming that Geoff is a boy, although as he is actually a plastic toy, I guess his gender is somewhat ambiguous)... However, I digress. By the looks and sounds of things, the trip is progressing nicely - very jealous indeed of some of these places you guys are getting to visit. Make sure you stay in one piece because people will talk otherwise. Stay safe guys. Buone notte.
Hey Guys,
Glad you are having such a wonderful time. Make sure you go to the shopping mall beside the Gothic Cathedral in Milan. Mitchell says to avoid the african people trying to make you arm bands. They get really physical. And he also says have some gelato for him.
Love Tali,. Andrew, Ella and Mitchell (and Colby).
Hiya Lovelies, great to see/hear you're having an awesome time! Dad says to have a grande for him!!! Sammy can have a glass of the best for me!!!!
Love and miss ya heaps xxx
(ps, sold all your stuff so we can have a better time in Fiji!!!)
Ha. Mondering.
Hello Kiddies!
Awesome to hear from you, I hope that all is well and that you haven't been peed on. Cause that can be quite an experience I hear.
Mumma and Pappy were mondering if you could please let em' know the area codes for all those backwards places you are traversing!
Great photos so far, you need a picture of Geoff with a Heineken, t'would tip the scales of hilarity. Assuming it's one of those old scales that the blind chick holds.
Stay safe, have fun and sterilise everything!
I am SOOOOOOOOOO jealous of you guys!!!!!!!!!!!! the places you have seen look amazing!!!!!!! hope your having fun and dont tell dave about the beer over there or ill never get my own car :)
Hey you guys - looks like your having a great time O/S... Take care and I'll keep reading what you guys are up to so we can have absolutely nothng to talk about when you get back. lol - I love lol's cuz you know when I type it I'm joking...
Keep safe guys and I'll be in touch.
Hey Sam and Adam,
I'm so jeolous right now. Looking at all your pics and thinking I was just there. Have a great time.
Love Tali, Andrew and Ella
hey guys good to hear everything is going smoothly....zomg the pope waved at you guys!!!111!! so oarsome...and now adam have you planned ahead and translated "thats what she said" into evey language possible??
anyways peace out have fun, will hopefully be seeing you sooner rather than later.
ps. adam i know you and piggy xx, he told me.
How great to know that someone else now has travel pictures for me to see!
I hope you have a wonderful time!! Looking forward to reading your interesting blogs, and seeing more photos. I bet Geoff is the best travel companion too!!
The Happy Wanderer
Great pics so far guys!! I know all your friends know but what is Geoff and where did you get it from?!?!