Philip Island, an Island off Melbourne, famous for its wildlife, especially the Little Penguins. We got there ealry evening and had a look around the visitor centre, telling us about the little things-only 33cm tall, can swim up to 2km an hour, only socialise on land.
We then headed to the beach to watch them come in from the sea. They came in groups and would rush back in if they thought there was danger-very funny to watch all the waddling! And very noisy-apparently the are very noisy lovers as well, and the best mate is a fat male penguin, who also does his share of egg watching as well-equal rights in the penguin world!
On the way around the island to find a YHA to shower in we stopped in a petrol station-the poor man must have taken one look at the van and thought-they need some help-he offered us anything that was left in the hot cabinet for our dinner-we feel just like a couple of homeless bums!-but nice and full homeless bums!
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