Today is a sea day. We have a leisurely breakfast. I grab my cameras and IPad and head to the library while Mom does a load of laundry and a few errands. The internet sucks today so I concentrate on loading pictures from cameras and writing. Karen meets me later and we go up to the pool where she lies by the pool and I continue my work. I observe a golf contest poolside for awhile and then we head down to prepare for dinner. It's a Gala Night for dinner so everyone will be dressed up again.
Tonight it's lobster and Mom likes that. I have the halibut instead and both of us finish off with cherry crisps. We have dinner with the Minnesota couple along with another couple we've eaten with before and a new couple. Great conversation tonight. We stop for formal pictures since they begged us and then proceed to the show at 8pm. Tonight, the ship's singers and dancers perform "Mundo Latino". After that, we head back to our room. We set our clocks back again, making us now 6 hours behind PDT. Tomorrow is Suva, Fiji.
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al-karen Nikki. Cannot call so email [email protected]