Yo Ho Ho and a bottle of rum. We're in Seattle. (I don't quite know what that has to do with Seattle but it sounded good).
So, we arrived in Seattle on the 10th after a 20 hour long bus ride from San Francisco. Which included my first ever experience with snow. Yay! It may have been dirty and old and at a service station in the middle of nowehere but it was snow dammit! It also included twinkies, Sarah bought twinkies at the very same servo to celebrate my first ever snow and they were gross. She is adament that they are "feral, foul and yucky".
We haven't actually done too much in Seattle. The two days we've been here have been very cold and windy. We've explored Pike Place Market (really big), I bought new shoes (very cute), we went to Capitol Hill which had some very cool op shops (see my new shirt), been harrassed by bums - one followed us onto a bus trying to buy a McValue meal - went to the Experience Music project and the Science Fiction museum (both of which has some very cool costumes and artefacts) and that's about it. Oh and saw a really disturbing fountain which you can view in our photo album.
We have to check out in 6 minutes so we'll see you next in Vancouver.
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