L'Aventure Excellent d'AB
Just arrived in granada from madrid, which took about 6 hours. Damn spanish trains!
Madrid was absolutely immense, i loved every minute of it. After being scared s***less on the train there, everything worked out great because i fell in with a really cool crowd of people. It was strange to walk someone i'd known for exactly 24 hours to the metro and feel like i was saying goodbye to an old friend. You do so much in a day when travelling and everyone really wants to get on with each other so it brings you together in a way i hadnt really expected. I'm kind of sad to leave madrid but i have other places to go and things to see!
In madrid i would recommend all the things i did which were staying at the cats hostel, visiting the prado and reina sofia museums, staying out late at night but not worrying too much about the streets as the city doesnt look nice, visit toledo though, its good to get away somewhere quiet with so much history.
plan now is staying here in granada for 2 nights, then travelling overnight on monday to get to bilbao, see the guggenheim by day then make it to san sebastian to sleep in a place i've booked. Next i have from tuesday morning to friday night to get across to nice where i've booked three nights to get easter over with before i head to italy.
my diary has totally gone out the window, it hasnt been updated since bordeaux nearly 2 weeks ago and i cant be bothered with it.
if anyone reads this thing can you text me to let me know you still care?
homecoming is looking likely to be end of the first week in may (maybe fly from roma to londres on the 2nd or 3rd may and work it out from there) so some kind of feasting may be in order, particularly as jacob needs to be recompensed for spending loads of money on me in barcelona, cheers dood!
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