Hiya both!
Just checking out your photos, you've been loads of places! I have been on a course putting out fires, it was cool. Are you getting normal emails? I got one off you but with nothing in it?
Glad to see you were both at special school for the diving, hahahaha! (both much braver than me!)
Keep on the elusive cider quest...
ps. missing you both
Hello to both of you, you look like you are having a great time - your photos and blogs are great, it is lovely to be able to catch up on what you are doing! Lots of alcohol I see! Some things never change!
All is well here, baby is now kicking me lots I'm starting to feel like a human punchbag! The midwives keep telling us how active the baby is! I'm hoping that this is not a sign of things to come!
School hard at the mo, it is very busy and people are shattered and down! Glad I only have to work till Christmas, it's a real shame about Sylvia too.
I shall try and e-mail for more of a catch up! Also have scan pics to forward onto you, so shall do that when I find your address!
Take care & have lots of fun!
Love Chela & the bump xxx
Hey guys!
Looked through my stuff and found a piece of paper with this address on it! Haha, "the only downside was the bar owner attempting the blues". Classic B-stuff!
I just spent two very nice weeks in southern Thailand and next I'm off to Laos for some tubing! Drop a line or something if youre by any chance heading back that way!!
Mum,stewart Joel & Alex
Hi Keeley and Aaron,
I can't believe how much you've seen and done in only 3 months! Its definately an education for you and us!
Have emailed a few times and wondered if you are getting them?
I liked your photo "framed" - its a bit haunting if you know what I mean.Keep sending them when you can.
Love to you both xxxxx
Mary Douglas
Hi Keeley and Aaron. your mum gave me the web link its really interesting to see what you are upto. Thanks for sending the post card to school it was great of you to think about us. Will show the kids some of the photos when we do where in the world! Keep enjoying your self and stay safe - Mary XX
Hi you two impressive waterfall Aaron feeding the kids with treats looked very sweet Mike impressed by snake
Looks like the rain forest living up to its name keep up the good workre photos U.K. trying to become a rain forest whilist you are away!! keep in touch
Dad Lidia and Mike
Claire And Mark
Hello! I've been trying to find your website, only just realised I've been putting offtravelling instead of exploring! Silly me! We're in Hanoi at tho mo, leave for Bangkok tonight. Been on the Halong Bay tour which was cool, the boats actually are like they look in the pictures! Had a look through your pics, some funny ones! We decided not to extend the stay in Asia, so leave on the 13th as planned for Oz. Bought a book of Oz and now want to do the entire country so should think we'll be there when you are!
Hope you're still enjoying yourselves and enjoyed the Easy Riders, (and that you're eating plenty of salads and staying off the red wine!!).
Hopefully see you in Oz!
Hi Guys, This is the first chance iv had to have a look at your site and catch up with your journey. It looks absolutely amazing, the pictures are fab. Can't wait to see it for myself. We have handed our notice in this week, so just 4 more weeks of work and then we can really get sorted with our travells.
Glad your having such a good time. I can't believe how much you have done already, i bet your exhausted!!
Keep on having fun!
Gemma & Matthew
hey! copied loads of ur photos, thanks, they r great. i got gt bk to leicester yday and tom has gone off to india. had a fab time in cambodia, angkor wat and the night life in siem reap are both great. Phnom Penh is amazing too although a little scary at nite. have lots of fun and take care. xxxxxxxx
Hi Auntie Keeley and Uncle Aaron
Glad ur having a fab time- the beaches look gorgeous! Wish I was with you- swimming in the sea. Guess what- I can crawl finally so I can now get around on my own so I no longer have to rely on mum n dad- they have to follow me round to stop me getting what I shouldn't- tee hee! It's great.
Glad ur both ok.
Lots of kisses and cuddles Kacey xxxxxxxxx
P.S Mum n Dad say hi too
Dad And Lidia
hi well done re photos liked the look of the train bed looked comfortable
Mike impressed by your site now wants newcomputer!! everything well here weather naff keep doing the photos how about another video great blogs first ones i have ever read your spelling is as bad as mine look after yourself love dad mike and lidia