This trip started the way me and Aaron liked it even though it was a little early to drink at 10.00 am in the morning. We went for some wine tasting, we started on the expensive stuff, but then felt it was better to go for the ones we could afford. This resulted in three bottles of $6 shiraz. Not surprisingly everyone in our group got to know each other quite well. Outside the place we saw two baby possoms fall from a tree. They then started to climb up our guide as it was the closest thing to them resembling a tree. So cute! Before crossing to the island we went for a little walk after food up Rossetta head it gave great views over the shoreline. Aaron was none too happy about lunch as our guide has a no sandwich rule. I loved the alternative the quiche but there has to be the awkward one like Aaron who still wants plain old sandwichs.
We set off across to the Island on a charted fishing boat, this gave us an opportunity to take pictures of the fishermans best friend the sea lion. It does not really venture out to see anymore because it knows it well get fed.
We stopped at a few nice bays along the way to our camp but the weather was still too cold to tempt any of us in the sea for a swim. Our camp for the night was at Antechamber bay where we slept in swags. Aaron wasn't very warm and for once he was the one complaining about the cold. We went for a walk along the beach in the evening to hunt for penguins but they were a lot shyer than the last lot so after an hour of freezing our buts off we headed back to camp fire and toasted marshmallows.
Next morning we started with a trip to Seal Bay to sea the australian Sealions relaxing on the beach. It was pretty amazing to be able to get so close to them. Some seemed a little silly though as there was a baby and mum calling each other for ages. They didn't seem to see each other even though they were opposite each other. Eventually it had a nice happy ending and the baby got fed. They looked just like the ones on the front of thoses snow baby christmas cards everyone used to send.
For lunch Aaron got his sandwichs of which he was very happy. Sad! Even though it wasn't swimming weather we still spent time at the beach voted one of the best (Vivionne bay). Aaron and I fell asleep and woke up realising we were sunburnt despite no sun and the cold wind. Later on we were treated to a visit to an euclyptus farm wwhich was fine except for the aray of cat skins displayed in the shop. I can't belive they kill cats here. We also saw a Birds of prey show. Aaron like usual volunteered to take part and got to hold a Barking Owl. The show was good but I wasn't too sure about the rabbits legs hanging out of the birds mouths.
Travelling through Flinders park we saw the most wildlife yet including echindas. They look like hedgehogs crossed between platapus's. We then saw a koala walking along the side of the road. He looked like he was probably orphoned by the fires. Our actual destination was Remarkable rocks. It was very impressive like a big kids playground. We all spent a fair bit of time playing. We were then treated to even more sealions this time New Zealand ones they looked very different. There were a few showing off surfing the waves. I was a little worried about a little black pup that was followed by a big pup into a hole. It looked like it was going to attack it but about 15 minutes later it returned unscathed. In the evening we got to sit around another camp fire but this time without marshmallows. We did have a didgredoo making its rounds though. All Aaron seemed to be able to make was toilet noises and I was too lazy to be bothered.
The next day we woke up to sunshine but this was a little too late for us as no more swimming and snorkeling chances. We went for a local koala walk it looked a bit too much like the tress were specially planted with a walkway in the middle. Didn't seem as wild as the one walking along the road. Aaron went sandsurfing much easier than the sand sledging in Vietnam this time he didn't come away covered head to toe in sand.
An excellent end to the trip was the sight of a huge school of dolphins riding the waves. I never thought I would see so many together. They are deffinatelty the real surfers of the ocean.
Back in Adelaide we had real sunshine so spent the next day lazing around the botanical gardens reading. We didn't really have time to explore the place though as we had to get back to Melbourne to get our flight to New Zealand. To do this we had to get an over night bus and experience I had put to the back of my mind since Asia.
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