We've finally managed to look at your photos which look great! We have just booked ourselves a trip through Namibia, Botswana and onto Malawi/mozambique for Charles' sabbatical later this year so are very envious that you are over there now! Have a great time, Charles, Katherine, Florence, Albert and Agathax(ps they are v worried about injections!)
Hi guys,
Mozambique looks really cool, I'm seriously thinking about re-routing my Africa trip now!
Take care xxx
Jodie Schubert
Awesome! You are obviously having a brilliant time - I'm jealous as hell!! Stay safe. xo
Jason And Nicky
Hi guys
Cool site keeping us informed of your travels! Thanks for your messages. Joshua is doing really well. He's so much work, but so much fun! I'm back to work tomorrow which sucks!
We've been hearing on the news about the flooding in Mozambique. How is it. Have you been affected. Are you OK?!
Take care guys!
Liz Wayne Billy Ruby & Darcy
Your adventures make housework and pooey nappies pale into pure boredom. I always enjoy your stories. I can still hear your voices in my head (that sounds creepy!) and love being reminded of your cheery smiles. WHO wouldn't be smiling when you are having such an exhaustingly full and diverse little holiday! HAPPY NEW YEAR! Love Liz xx
Todd And Renee Harrington
Hi guys
We are enjoying reading all your adventures. Africa is a great place - one of our favs. Please keep the adventure stories coming as we love reading them. We are getting itchy feet and keen to travel again soon but now have to find baby friendly countries. I can't open the photos for some reason but will try on Todd's computer later. Your trip sounds amazing
Renee, Todd and Kai xx
Hi guys, looks like you're having a great time, your photos are great. Looking forward to seeing you both, time will fly, enjoy.....
xxx from Chloe and Luke
I am glad I can count otherwise I would be stuffed.
Hey Kaz I got you postcard! It arrived this week. I hope you have seen that leopard by now. Seen the photos and as usual I am jealous, pay back will occur this year, I am sure.
In process of cleaning the house putting new curtains up and the like. very bloody painful. Anyway enjoy yourselves and I will catch up sometime I am sure.
Karen Naughton
Thanks for checking out our blog - hope you like it
Ellen Boorman
Wow! Your photo's are unreal! Haven't had a chance to read anything yet but had to comment on your photo's instantly. I don't think I need to hope you're having a good time, it's pretty obvious! Stay safe, look forward to seeing more photo's. Love Elle (and family)
Brett Ewer
Hey guys, just checked out all your photos...looks like you're having a great time in some amazing locations. Haven't read the stories yet, may get to that later seeing as though im still on holidays till Feb! Enjoy the rest of your safari, take care.
Damian Mcmullen
Hey Guys - what a great site. Its great to tune in to your fab adventure. Very jealous especially regarding the swimming with the whale sharks. Seeing the pictures of the animals has brought back very fond memories of our honeymoon on safari. I look forward to hearing more great stories. Take care for now.