Having just read Robs blog i have struggled to muster up the motivation to write mine after a night of drunken fun. It seems like a long time since the last and so much has happened since i somehow think i will not do it justice and after writting it will remember i have missed certain points i wanted to mention but anyway here goes.
So after our first night pissed in New Zealand (which was in Christchurch) the next day we hit the road and drove to Timaru. The drive here was no where near as impressive as the drives we had done in the north island so was not as enjoyable but still pleasant nonetheless. Timaru was a weird place, the first thing we did after arriving here and checking in to our hostel was go for a quiche - I do not like quiche but thought i would give it another chance but it appears that i still dont like quiche. We went for a walk to a pretty crap beach (its hard to appreciate average beaches when you have seen some of the best and took a walk around a park, Moaned that the mini golf was shat and went into town and did what we like to do best and go in some $2 shops and laugh at the randomness and often make a few purchases.
After Timaru we headed to Dunedin on the way we stopped of at a beach where you can walk along the beach and literally watch the Seals bathing and sleeping the walk down the dunes was fun but the walk up was not, the steepest dune i have ever seen and is what i think did my back in. After spending the day stopping off at various lookout points and driving around the Otago penninsula which was a brilliant drive and absolutely beautiful (the scenery was beggining to get more beautiful the further south we travelled - not the case back home in my opinion) we headed back to Dunedin, where i discovered my back ache was bad so had a bottle of wine and some pain killers and tried to sleep. Unfortunately my back pains over the next few days restricted what we could do, walks were difficult, and driving was uncomfortable i felt bad for Rob as he maybe couldn't do some of the things he wanted to but struggled on hoping that we could do what we could.
We then headed from there to Invercargill - Not much to rave about here, we stayed at a backpackers that was full so stayed in the owners house in his spare room (it was a bit weird waking up to him eating his breakfast in the kitchen while we used his toaster)I could be wrong here but i think this is where we viewed nugget point on he way to here which i have some cool pics of. Invercargill is nothing more than sex shops and other random shops, for one small town i am not sure why so many sex shops are needed but anyway guess they dont have much to do?
From here we headed to Te anua. The drive to here was pretty impressive and we started to see what many have talked about - the snowy peaks, the massive mountains and huge lakes. It really is impressive that the two islands differ so much in there appearance but both equally amazing. We stopped of at the deepest lake in New Zealand 472 metres deep which i simply could not get my head around and saw Jacks blow hole and some preetty waterfalls.
Te Anau is really nice, one of the nicest towns we have stayed, there is lots to do here but the money situation s restricting us both somewhat! We enjoyed some beers by the lake followed by a nice walk around a free bird sanctuary. The next day we drove to Milford Sound, by far the most impressive drive we have done the whole trip. The sheer scale of the mountains here with there snowy peaks in this ridiculous heat is breath taking. We drove through a big tunnel dug out through the mountains and stopped off at some rapids. Milford sounds was again bloody smashing. We couldn't do the cruise or the helicopter ride again as we couldn't even afford portion of chips but settled for a Magnum ego instead which i report back was rather spendid. As the drive here through winding mountain road was a long one we didn't have the time to move on so headed back to Te Anua for the night which was no great shame as its nice here (apart from the people we were sharing a room with who decided to sort here arrangement of plastic bags out in the middle of the night while people were sleeping could have actually killed them both, two nights of this was enough!)
After a restless night of sleep we headed to Queenstown, Queesntown is now my favorite place ahead of Wellington. Its surrounded by Mountains lakes, and is home of Fergeburger. We spent the day by the lake listening to Reggae played on decks by he local DJ, I feel on Bob Marleys Birthday he would approve of me spending the day in this way. It was red hot! I hear we have been very lucky with the weather here missing the rain and arriving at places when the sun comes out. We met up with the lovely Emma who is putting us up for a few days in her lovely pad on top of a very steep hill and got very drunk (for the 2nd time in New Zealand)I know i am going to like it here after going for a hungover walk around the centre and enjoying the sun and i need to stay a few more days so i can sample o few more of the Fergeburgers! They have to be tasted to believe how good they are.
Anyway Emma is taking us out and about tomorrow and going to check the pennies to see if i can afford to do a skydive ( i REALLY want to do one when here)
Over and out this blog has taken me 234 hours to write whilst hungover and being asked by Rob 3000 times if i have finished yet.
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