Hey Guys! Wow im so jealous of you right now! I'm stuck at home after just having my tonsils out (never do it, the pain's just not worth the benefits they promise you). Your blog also reminds me just how much i miss you! i cant believe we miss each other by so little in oz, you'll be just accross the water in NZ tho, which makes me feel a little better. Keep having those adventures, I'm using you as my travel inspiration! Love you loads, Rachel x x x
So you missed your first wax on (so did i - dad's birthday) - but i've loved your photos and your blogs. i can't believe you are writing it twice! they're brilliant, i've spent my evening applying to internships and trying not to think about work tomorrow! i'm trying to persuade john that he doesn't need a degree, he needs india! i even looked up the price of flights you've inspired me so much! nat you look so beautiful in the photos - you put jemima khan to shame!
love to you both
Uncle Stephen And Brenda
Hi! Now we have got your correct blog address (!) we have just spent the best part of Sunday morning green with envy looking through it! You've even inspired us so much we're going to have a curry tonight! It looks as though you are having the time of your lives and yet with so much more to come. Look forward to the next instalments. Take care of each other.
Hey tilly, whats this about you having a cold shower??? Did'nt even know you had them..... Nice pics thou. if you can back them up on CD and post them home. Will speak to Lee at weekend, see if he can sort something out for you in OZ.
Nan /gramps
hi u 2 glade to hear u r ok as u know nans thinking about u and glad that u like india take care and get me some train fotos willbe looking on the [machine] each day ,,take care nan grampsxxxx
you b******s. i hate you right now. leeds is cold and rainy (sophie got sent home yesterday because the dales were flooding quickly - she thought a war was starting because a siren was sounded!). sophie played the gig of her life last night. everything else is good but doesn't match up with stories about india. i'm loving the blog - i think you might be the next michael palin mike. hope you are both well, and of course missing you, lottie xxx
Hi loser,
Good update. I almost read the whole thing. Shame the sum I had to answer to prove I was a real person posting (1 + 2 = ? ) wasn't more challenging, but I'll get over it.
So anyway! I'm booking some flights tomorrow and if you read this in time - i can try get them so we are in the same place at the same time. if you want. to be honest I'm not overly fussed, I don't think I'm going to like you with your year 10 haircut. At the moment I'm booked to arrive in Santiago July 11th and then will be going to Lima on the 18th to treck accross to Rio on a 45 day tour going through Peru (inca trail etc, amazon). There are approx 15 people on our trip and I would piss my pants if they included you and Nat haha I'd also want a refund.
India sounds bostin! How are you writing on a train? This might be a piece of technology I need to invest in.
Sounds like you're having a wicked time, and maybe I'll see you sooner than you think!!!! get in touch gay boy
mwah xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey Sat Nat,
Sounds like you're having a whale of a time already! Im not sure about the dog murdering but everything else you've mentioned sounds like lots of fun! Its interesting reading about all the cool stuff uve done already.
Look after each other
Michelle Howard
Hi Natalia, glad to hear you arrived safe. Hope you have a fantastic time, we are all very jealous - it is absolutely peeing down here and has been for the past week! Enjoy and take care xx
Andy Scan
Hi you two,
Glad to see you got there alright. Are the showers above or below the urinals? could explain the hot water
Tillie your licence came today ( Friday ) Good job you left Wednesday Heathrow has been closed owing to an aircraft crash landing on Thursday dinnertime thankfully no one was injured